Listen as TWO INDUSTRY EXPERTS reveal what you need to know to understand and utilize the Full Patient Perspective.
Presented by: Scott J Manning & Joel A Gonzales
There’s immense POWER and I do mean POWER in understanding the patient perspective to the full extent. Most practices operate like factories, rushing patients through the assembly line and getting them out the door as quickly as possible. This is neither beneficial to your practice or to your patients. You cannot reach the full potential of your practice until you...
Build a Practice That Puts the Health of the Patient First
On this Audio CD Presentation, you will discover:
- How to uncover the secret health signals that your patients are already sending you… it’s like switching on a radio channel direct from their brain that you never knew existed!
- 3 specific statements to get an existing patient to fully understand and move forward with the treatment you recommend.
- The small change in your office protocols that GAURANTEES you'll never under-serve a patient again
- The EXACT Step-By-Step Approach to uncovering your patients' deepest health needs.
- The 4 Pillars of Patient Perspective that you must teach your Team to ensure their success – if your Team isn’t on board with these, you’re fighting a losing battle every day.
- Discovering the right way to present full-health treatment fees with or without the Dentist and why it matters so much.
- The most important questions you must ask for your patients to be pre-sold on their own health and accept treatment immediately.
- Revealed: Fast Track Health - how you can provide the most comprehensive health plan for your patients with the FASTEST results.
Scott J. Manning, MBA
Scott Manning has been the difference in creating their Dream Lifestyle Practice and liberating them from the daily grind they once endured.
"I have invested and dedicated my career and myself for the past decade to helping Dentists to approach their practice with calculated business systems that allow them to have what I call a Lifestyle Practice.
Like a Doctor fixes a mouth or designs a smile and improves the overall health of their patients, I fix a practice and design a lifestyle to improve the overall health financially and operationally to better match up with the way a Doctor wants."
Joel A. Gonzales
Joel Gonzales has over 25 years of extensive clinical experience from a laboratory, restorative & surgical aspect in the dental implant field. He started his career as a United States Air Force Dental Assistant Specialist working specifically for the base periodontist as well as the prosthodontist respectively.
Joel is an instructor with the Megagen International surgical training. He also teaches chair-side procedures with clients & staff on ideal protocol for both doctors & auxiliary. He is also able teach or advise on other implant systems as well, due to having worked with many implant types on the market, which lends to him being referred to as "The Implant Dude".
Master the "Full Patient Perspective" and
Unleash the FULL Potential of Your Practice
During this Live Training, You'll Discover How a Healthy Practice
is First Realized Through a Healthy Patient
This Audio Training is going to be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before and it will single handedly be a catalyst to help you reach the full potential of your practice when you when request your audio CD now.
IMPORTANT: Even though this is 100% Free of Charge, this is REAL training, packed with PRACTICAL strategies, examples, systems, and even Q&A. You will learn precisely what you need to do to implement a Patient-First strategy plan - nothing will be held back.
Best of all – this training is 100% FREE .
Don’t miss out… Enter your shipping detials in the form now!